Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wednseday, April 30th: Email to Tookie's Legacy Staff

Class, I am having you do one final assignment for the Tookie Williams unit

Today you will be writing an email to Tookie's Legacy Staff.

***Follow these directions to receive full credit***

A. Open up a word document.

B. In about 100-150 words, write an email to Tookie's Legacy staff discussing what you learned about in the unit we finished right before Spring Break.

This email should include:
  • An introduction: "Dear Tookie's Legacy Staff..."
  • 2 to 3 things you learned about Tookie Williams and his anti-gang activism
    • (For example: his idea of Self-Hate)
  • What you thought about the selections from his books
    • Life in Prison" and "Blue Rage, Black Redemption"
  • What you thought about the film "Redemption" and its portrayal of Tookie's life
  • Any suggestions you might have on gang prevention
  • Brainstorm 2 to 3 questions of your own to ask Tookie's Legacy staff
    • For example "What is being done to continue Tookie's anti-gang activism after his death?"
C. Copy and paste this into an email and send it to as well as to when you are done. ***you will need your own email address to send this email***

D. After I have received and approved your email, you may have free time on your computer.

***Any disruptive behavior or visiting other websites before you have completed the assignment will earn you a grade of ZERO and you will be kicked off your computer***

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