Tuesday, January 22, 2008



1. Describe a time in your life when you felt like an OUTSIDER or left out of the larger group.

2. What are some times in your life when you were made to do things that you did not want to do? (going to school, for example).

3. What would be your definition of REBELLION? Of a REBEL?

4. What are some REASONS that you think people REBEL?

5. Who are some people that you consider REBELS? WHY? (Post some pictures of these people or their music if you can)

6. Do you think VIOLENCE solves problems? Could you provide an example?

7. What do you think are some NON-VIOLENT WAYS to solve problems?

8. What is your definition of a GANG?

9. What is your opinion of GANGS?

10. Why do you think people form GANGS?

11. Have you or anyone you know ever been affected by GANG VIOLENCE? Can you describe this experience?

12. What are some books, movies, TV shows, or music you have read, seen or heard that present GANG life?

13. Were the GANGS shown in a good or bad light?

14. Do you have an opinion on Stanley “Tookie” Williams’ execution? (Co-founder of the Crips and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee)